What does Youth4planet do?

Youth4planet is empowering young people for change.
Youth4planet sharpens their perception of the earth and encourages them to tell stories about their findings in films and social media. Youth4planet encourages young people to be creative themselves and to find solutions together for a peaceful future. In digital networks and on expeditions, they learn to brave new challenges.
How do we do it?
In a research-based learning process we inspire young people to deal constructively with climate change. They learn how to act in a self-effective and responsible manner. Based on cooperation and respect they work in their local environment and in a global network together. Their mobiles are their interactive digital creativity tool for ideas, learning and implementing practical solutions.
2. Kika-Broadcast Sep 30, 2017 (German Childrens Channel)
3. 10min Film to inspire for filmmaking with mobile phones:
4. 10min Film from the perspective of teachers / facilitators
The entire set can be downloaded by teachers for free in Germany to use in schools. We will set up (once we got funds) a mooc channel to make it accessible for a broad audience.